Thursday, September 1, 2011

Long time,!?!

Yes I know...its been ages since I posted a blog. BUT to my defense we have ALOT on our plate lately and hopefully the next couple of blogs help explain how things have been.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chicago Fire

For the last couple of years we have gone to at least one game with my parents to the Chicago Fire (MLS Soccer in Chicago for those of you who don't know). Jillian has participated in 3 in utero, and the last 2 at the game. We have had every kind of weather you can imagine. The first game was when Jason and I were first married and it was BLAZING HOT. Probably 100 degrees baking off the concrete! The following year we were pregnant with Jillian and it was FREEZING and during the game it started to snow/sleet. Then last year, Jillian was little, younger than 1 and it was raining the whole time. We had a pop up tent we used and sat under the shelter during the game. This year we were hoping the soccer gods would be good to us and provide good weather. As we were packing up the cars for tailgating the storm clouds started rolling in and it called for storms (of course!). We decided to take the chance and headed out anyway. As you all probably remember it was also VERY hot last weekend. We drove into Bridgeview IL and it rained on and off the whole time. But we got there a couple hours before the game and it had stopped raining...and looked clear! We were glad that it did rain because it had actually cooled things off quite a bit. So we unpacked and were able to enjoy the tailgating with perfect weather (no rain, heat or snow!). It was just too bad that the Fire couldn't pull off a win. They tied, 0-0. Jillian was perfect, as usual. I would think that it being so late (her bedtime is between 7:30 and 8 pm, the game didn't start until 7:30) that she would loose it a little. She spent most of the game cuddled up with grandma (which she loved!). Thanks for a fun weekend mom and dad!

The girls!

Attempting to play washers...Jillian kept taking them and throwing them.

Trying to keep Jillian out of our washers game was interesting...

At first Jillian was interested in what was going on..."GO FIRE!"

For most of the game she cuddled with Grandma (did not care for the fire works!), so we put our jammies on in case she decided to conk out...but she got curious and decided to check out the chairs in front of us!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to everyone! We hope everyone found time to have some fun in the sun...cause we sure did (at least Jillian and I did, daddy worked!). Saturday Jason finished up priming the basement walls so we could paint and carpet. Then we headed out to Jason's cousin Matt's baby shower (expecting baby boy Kaden in a couple of weeks!). Then Sunday after church we spent quite some time at Menards, planning and purchasing materials for the fence...we decided to fence off the little section that leads from the back yard to the front. That way, Jillian HAS to stay in the backyard to play! When we headed to Menards it was partly sunny and the weather forecast lead us to believe it wouldn't rain until the evening...well as we walked to the car after checking out, it was raining! And progressively got worse as we drove home. So Jason and I put up the pop up tent so he wouldn't have to dig in the rain! But after unloading the rental truck and taking it back to the store(which was a couple of hours) had stopped. So Jason got to work digging post holes in our clay-like dirt (not an easy task). Monday, after a little car shopping and a nap, Jillian and I played outside in the water while daddy finished the first section of the fence! Overall it was a very productive weekend! Here are some shots of our weekend. It was nice to be home and get some stuff done around the house!

Jillian really loves the water and being outside, so it wasn't hard for her to play while daddy and I got stuff done!

Jason worked hard on the fence and did a great job even though it was pretty hot today!

After all the playing and swimming Jillian did she was pretty tuckered out. As I was making dinner, I found her on the couch watching Dora like this...

We are just so thankful for all the men and women who serve or served our country in the Military, you are all in our thoughts and prayers!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mother's Day!

For Mother's Day this year Jason surprised Jillian and I with a cake making date on Saturday! A local bakery, V Richards, had a table set up with cakes, frosting, sprinkles and all the goodies you need for the perfect Mother's Day cake! What a fun treat=)

On Sunday after church we headed down to Rockford to have a fun family picnic at Rock Cut State Park. This is a park that holds many memories for me because it is one of my families favorite picnic spots! I am excited to have growing memories there with my family now.

Jillian and mommy, and Jillian with Grandma (attmepting to put on shoes!)

A picture of Jillian with her mommy and Grandma (thanks to Grandma Grace for taking such great pictures, too bad we didn't get any of you!)

Jillian wanted to take everything in, so she never really napped...we decided to go for a walk and during that walk Jillian decided she was ready for that nap! So mommy carried her most of the way and she slept on me for a short while after that. So sweet!

We are so lucky and blessed to have the family we have. Jillian was able to see 2 of her 3 Grandma's and her Great Grandma on that day. She also saw many other family members like aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins and great aunts and uncles...what a great day with family! We hope you all had a great Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

easter basket hunt.MOV

Easter 2011

We hope everyone had a fantastic Easter. It was another busy one, full of travel for us. We went down to Elgin and celebrated with Jason's side of the family this year. We stayed at Grandma Grace's house and celebrated most of it on Saturday. There was a fun Easter egg hunt and lots of yummy food. Sunday morning we went to church and hung out as a family. We headed home in the afternoon and had our own Easter basket hunt when we got home! Here are some photos to get an idea of our
Easter fun!


All my cousins and Grandma Grace!

Easter Sunday-dressed in our best!

Spring has finally arrived!

Yes yes I know I have been MIA lately....but we have been pretty busy juggling the Deibert Daycare, Jason's work and entertaining schedule and my new classes out in Delafield. So here I am with quite a few pictures and some updates on Jillian.

So as I just mentioned, we are a pretty busy household. Not just with the outside activities that Jason and I do, but Jillian is a pretty busy lady as well. She doesn't really is more like a run, constantly or she becomes our little "twinkle toes". She likes to walk on her toes and does this frequently. Like mother like daughter, this is something I used to do as a kid. She talks all the time and has a pretty extensive vocabulary. She still uses her signing vocabulary as well. She occasionally has a hard time communicating and will use her signing words to help tell me what she wants (which is super helpful). She loves to paint, color and do play dough. Still loving her bath and is even blowing bubbles for momma and dadda in the tub. I wonder if she'll become a fish like her mom!?! She loves to sing and count. She can count all the way to 10, with some help. But if you ask her to do it herself it sounds more like this, "1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 14"! She also does the ABC's in her own way, "A, B, C, L, M, N, O, P"! But she is becoming quite the independent girl. "Jillian do it" is a phrase we hear a lot around the house. She is also starting to sit on the potty. Peeing is easy for her now, and she even asks to go every now and again. She has only poo-pooed on the potty twice so far...but its a good start! Jillian LOVES being outside..which brings me to some photos to update you on this little rugrat! She would stay outside for hours if I'd let her=)

Jillian loves to swing, especially underdogs!

Jillian loves to take wagon rides...even pulls it herself!

This was taken at the zoo, we have gone twice so far but plans to go much much more!

Jillian is always on the go!

One rainy day we went to the Big Back Yard to play and they had a Cozy Coup, which she loved!

Jillian would stay outside all day, everyday if she could...rain or shine!

She is such a character and we are loving every minute with her (well almost every minute, there some trying minutes in there as well!)

I will do my best to stay on top of our blog, I know its fun to see new pictures and hear about all of our adventures! We hope you are doing well=)